_________ It is for _________

Good creative learning should benefit everyone involved; facilitators, teachers, supervisors, pupils, participants.

Communities - a way of working together towards a shared goal, It often involves talking, getting together, being helpful, being generous.

Creative learning happens more easily when people involved are meeting face to face, for long periods of time, building trusting working relationships - it therefore benefits people who may not otherwise spend much time socializing

Secondary audiences - not the people directly involved but the people who see or hear about what’s been going on; visitors to an exhibition of work produced, families asking to join in sessions, friends popping in etc

Creative learning in a gallery setting benefits school aged children. No constraints, no right or wrong, no exams, risk taking encouraged…

Adults and children become gate keepers to each other’s learning
e.g. - adult wouldn’t normally be in a creative learning situation ( building a den, working out how to throw a pot ) without the child. The child may not find focus or a way through a creative learning situation without the adult/parents encouragement or guidance

Adults can start to feel confident enough to lead creative learning activities outside of galleries or school.

For some learners this is the only way they can learn. Creative learning or layered learning is immersive and helps learners form a total environment around what they are learning. Creative learning works across different learning styles ( auditory, visual and kinesthetic ) and therefore works well for learners who would otherwise find it difficult to access a curriculum/knowledge if it were presented in a dry academic way.

Hard to reach groups; SEN pupils, pupils who has been out of education, adults with learning difficulties could all find new ways into learning through creative learning activities.

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