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Un-defining creative learning.

An on-going, open document.
A collection of comments and ideas about creative learning collected through conversations with art/education practitioners.

'As we look into creative learning we find more and more definitions and possible answers. The core of creative learning seems to include ideas about learner centred learning, choice, open-endedness and allowing participants to discover knowledge in ways that suit them.
With this in mind we have produced 'un-defining creative learning' a document, blog and set of objects that allow people to access our research and add their ideas to it.
As you read each page of this blog, please feel free to add ideas, info and reference points in the comments section at the bottom or each page.'
Contributors include; Jack Brown (artist in residence Tidemill Academy), Nadia Wazera (Events Officer + artist. Leamington Spa Art Gallery + Museum), Matt Beere ( Cinema and Live Arts engagement officer, Chapter Art Centre), Laura Travis (Learning Manager – Museums Sheffield),
Lala Thorpe (Arts Project Manager + Educator. Arts scape), Sadie Edginton (Exchange Projects), Joanna Nowek (Exchange Projects), Lucy Dalzell (Exchange Projects), Harry Meadows (Artist + FE lecturer – Kingston College ) Byron Biroli + Patson Ncube (Cre8 life style centre) Jenny Gibbons (Art Co-ordinator Tidemill Academy), Carl Vernalls (Foundation stage Co-ordinator Tidemill Academy).
Robin Johnson (
Cultural Curator ARC Schools), Mel Corner (Family Learning Officer Herbert Art Gallery & Museum), Winsome Ruddock (Artist), Vicki Ram (Artist), Janneke Adema (PHD Student), Nick Richards (Community Connections Officer, Neighbourhood Action Coventry City Council), Rebecca Williams (Learning and Community Engagement Officer, Heritage and Culture, Warwickshire County Council)

Additional names will be added as the conversation continues.

If you chose to add comments to the bottom of any page on this blig – please leave you name and occupation.

Conversations took place during three events in 2012-13; Collections at the White Building (London), What is creative learning Artspace (Coventry) and the Extend Residential at the Leeds National Ballet.
Conversations initiated by an extend research group; Jack Brown, Nadia Wazera, Matt Beere, Laura Travis and Lala Thorpe.


This document has been created as part of an extend research group project.  The research group is part of the Extend Leadership programme funded by Arts Council England.
Our research question is what is creative learning, where does it flourish, how does it happen and who is it for.
This document is broken into six categories. Each category is linked to a section of our research question.
It is                                       
- linked to what is creative learning

It isn’t                  
- Linked to what is creative learning

It needs                              
- linked to where does it flourish

It is for                 
- linked to who is it for.

is affected by
- linked to how does it happen

 It can.                                  
- linked to who is it for – looking at wider benefits